Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dannie's Birthday

kid disturbing dannie from his peaceful rest

looking like he wants to die

yay chicken!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Katsu Curry @ Spiral

We decided to do a late dinner at Spiral. JJ had gotten take out from here last week and it was pretty decent and cheap so we decided to come again. We ordered a rainbow roll to share, and I got this katsu curry while JJ got a ramen. It tasted better than it did in the take out (obv since it was much more hot in the pseudo-stone bowl) BUT I found this random piece of.... bamboo? something hard mixed in. Don't want to get into the details.. but basically my stomach wasn't good after :(

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I feel sooo gross now. -_-" bad idea.

Can you spot us? :)

Brunch @ Radish

Le Falanke was in town so we went out for lunch. Too bad La Falanke wasn't here too to join us :)

benny biscuit (egg benedict on a biscuit)

tasso tacos (pulled pork)

candice's (not sure what its called but looks good!)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Puff pastry pizza

Working from home today so just made myself a puff pastry pizza from Trader Joe's. Yumz

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pho @ Hi Tea

Pho for lunch! I think this is one of Lin's favourite food for lunch.