Monday, February 28, 2011

Oceanview Supermarket Hot Pot restaurant

I went into the supermarket downstairs today (I hardly ever go in) and saw a line up of people. Curious I walked over to see what they were lining up for. I was shocked to discover that they had sectioned off a part of the supermarket and turned it into a hot pot restaurant! And it was paaacked with people waiting outside as you can see from the picture. Interesting!

Dinner with Carmen at T-28

Portuguese chicken.. With milk tea, soup, and dessert for under $8.

Spicy Chicken Caesar Salad from Lightning Foods

They gave me an abnormal amount of chicken today! I ate some before this pic too. I think because I went at like 1:30p so he was probably trying to get rid of it :D

Sunday, February 27, 2011

San Diego trip

Last weekend was long weekend so we drove down to San Diego! :) It was the first time we did a roadtrip together and now that we have a comfortable car, it seemed to make sense. We left our home at 4:30am Sat morning, and got to LA by 10am to meet Sean for brunch. We stayed in LA til 1 and then headed down to Escondido arriving at 2pm. It was not bad at all! The way back up tho was more tricky as there was alot more traffic :( We stopped in La Mirada on the way back up to eat lunch with Sarah in her school cafeteria. Not bad at all! :D

Out of all the egg benedict I've eaten, this is definitely at the top.  La Provence Patisserie

Cenote Grill

We went to the Rock church on Sunday in San Diego. It's this mega church with I think 5 services. In each service I'm not sure how many people.. but as you can see from the below picture there was ALOT of people. The pastor is an ex-NFL guy who became a believer and started this church :D He was speaking on Sunday and he was quite the speaker. Very entertaining (not sure if that's good or not...?) but the content was ok too. It was a good back to the basics kinda sermon about God and his existence. The worship was okay. The worship band was definitely very talented but I felt they were crossing the line between "leading worship" vs "performing".

The Rock Church
After going to ROCK church.. we went to Hard ROCK cafe for lunch :D hehehe. YUMZ!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Domo calendar February

So cute! we just remembered to flip it to Feb this week tho so we only get to see it for a few more days :(

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Team lunch at Chaat Cafe

Chicken tikki plate.
I think this is my all time favourite India restaurant - but then again, I haven't been to very many so that doesn't say much :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

JapaCurry truck for lunch :D

It was pretty yummy. Not as good as Volcano Curry but would definitely eat from here again. Especially if its parked in front of my work building!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bye bye Facebook ... for now anyways.

I've been thinking about it for a while now and I finally disabled my Facebook account! Hopefully I will be able to resist enabling it back any time soon. Facebook is amazing way to connect people and help people keep in touch. I especially like it because my parents are able to see what I am up to and updated pictures of me so they don't forget what I look like! It's such an easy way to share pictures with friends and not have to send them around after an event. But despite all the conveniences of having Facebook, I feel like I am just too addicted to it. I spend way too much time on it and beyond just connecting with people. Do I really need to see what all my friends are up to every day? see which friends bought a house and then feel jealous that I don't have one? er.. not really? But it's too tempting and too easy to look. Likewise, do my friends need to know what I'm up to every day and what I eat? Maybe the super close friends, but we all know we have a good portion of Facebook friends that are merely acquaintances and it's actually kind of freaky that they have access to so much information about me and you.

Anyhow, I'm going to try and use the time I spend Facebook-ing each day to do something more productive - like what? I don't know yet. Let's see how long this lasts! :)

White chocolate s'muffin from sean!

Yup. Its as yummy as it looks!

My cousin-in-law Sean is visiting SF and brought us some of these delicious treats from LA! :) It is a yummy Valentine already :D