Saturday, January 29, 2011

The flight home

About 3 weeks ago I decided I wanted to go home. I booked a ticket home in Air Canada, direct flight for $325!! I think that is the cheapest I have ever paid for a direct flight from SFO to YYZ.  I haven't flown AC in a long time as well, and I was very impressed. Not only was the ticket cheap, there was 1 free checked-in luggage (which is already more than United!). In front of almost each seat, there is a USB plug and a em power plug for your laptop or whatever. Each seat also has their own tv, and movies are free!! I was surprised to see Social Network as I thought that was in theaters quite recently. I don't usually listen to music so I didn't have ear phones with me so I was a bit bummed that I couldn't watch. I asked the stewardess if by any chance they had a headphone I could borrow and he quickly brought over a new set of headphones. Sweet! :)

I ate a hot pocket that JJ had packed for me and shortly after I got really sick and ended up puking :( I haven't puked on a plane in a long time (I use to always get sick on planes) so perhaps I should stick with not eating as I normally do. *sigh* it was quite miserable. I tried to wait til the washroom line up was short before getting up but they were still occupied. My mouth started to water (the pre-puke..) and I prayed so hard that the people inside would hurry and come out and I would be able to hold it in until then. I'm sure I would've pissed off alot of people if I puked onto the aisle. Thank God, I was able to make it to the toilet :D

After puking, I felt much better and was able to enjoy Social Network more and felt a bit giddy as I was wearing my facebook sweatshirt that mirm gave me last year :D Being a techy myself, it was pretty interesting watching about Mark Zuckerberg and how facebook came to be. I only wish I have half the brains he has :D

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