Thursday, October 27, 2011

Public Transportation Pet Peeves

After commuting in SF to work each day for 4 years, this is my list of biggest pet peeves. I will refer to Muni and Bart as "train".

  1. People who cut their nails on the train. Admittedly, I've only seen Chinese people do this.
  2. People who cut in line to get onto the train/escalator. 1 out of 200 times I've seen someone speak up, otherwise all other times people just passively look annoyed to themselves. 
  3. People who cough up flem and then spit it on the floor of the train. Gross.
  4. People listening to music and blast their music so loud in their headphones that you can hear the words and you're not even sitting beside them. If you don't care about your own future hearing problems, at least be considerate to those around you? We don't want to hear your music :(
  5. People who talk loud. Especially when they're talking to someone that they're not sitting directly beside so they're trying to talk over/around you. I suppppoose it's not their fault if they naturally have a loud voice. But we don't care to hear what's going on with your kid, coworker, etc. Give everyone else a break while they're trying to relax to and from work!
  6. During rush hour, the escalator is usually "bumper to bumper" line of people. So that means there's a natural flow of people getting off the escalator. Why would you stop at the top of the escalator, stand there, and start looking at your phone. Is it not obvious that everyone behind you won't be able to get off and we'll all bump into each other -_-"
  7. Also during rush hour when the train is packed, before the train even gets close to the next stop sometimes people think they are the *only* person that needs to get off at the next stop. Therefore while the train is still moving, they make others get up from their seat, and move out of the way so that THEY can stand right in front of the door. Why can't you just wait til the train stops... there's alwaaays enough time!!!
  8. Sometimes there are > 1 person holding the bar. and people don't notice that their hands are slipping so their hand is slowly sliding closer and closer to my hand. I watch it slide, and eventually it always touches my hand. WORST is when they don't move it still at this point, and they just rest their hand on my hand. OK.. I don't want to touch your hand X_X
  9. When non-senior and non-handicap people sit in the handicap seats and don't move when there is an actual elderly/handicap person standing in front of them.
  10. People who stand on the left side of the escalator. Although to be fair, maybe they just don't know that the left side is for walking and right side is for standing.

Ok, I feel a bit better after writing that out :)