Thursday, December 30, 2010

sick sucks :(

Been sick all week and stuck at home.. I actually really wish I am better again and can go back to work! It's funny how when I can go to work, I wish I don't have to. When I'm sick at home and can't go to work, I wish I could. Don't take what you have for granted....!  We never appreciate things til it's gone... :(

Thursday, December 23, 2010

TGIT! (2 days til Christmas!)

Today is the last day of work before Christmas holiday :D well.. which means I get 1 day off ( so it's not really that great a break but "Christmas holiday" sounds good. I miss being in school and getting several weeks off every Christmas. Now it doesn't even really feel like Christmas anymore.. After years of Christmas being the time when I don't have to work or school, and I can fill up the days before and after with seeing friends and family, coming to work seems kinda depressing. BUT the only the good thing, it's so quiet around here that it's not very stressful.

This is me and JJ's first Christmas together as a married couple :D 2 days ago, we ordered Christmas cards from shutterfly/target with our photo on it.. Other families have been sending us these similar cards so thought we'd start our own tradition :D Since we ordered it only 2 nights ago.. it's not even here yet so we're definitely not going to get them out in time so they'll be super lagged. Next year we will learn how to plan earlier :D Lots of Christmas parties in the next 3 days.. 2 with the Hau's and 1 with the loo-ers. There's surprisingly alot of loo-ers that decided to hang around this year. I'm looking forward to eating some good food and spending some time with friends + family but I miss my Ip family and kinda wish I had planned earlier to go home :( 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our wedding music video

We met with our videographer (Bay Area VDO) today and got our wedding DVDs!! So awesome :) The wedding felt like sooo long ago already so it was really nice to re-watch some of the footage from the big day :)

Here is a music video that they put together kind of summarizing our day :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's that time of the year again..

This year has flown by and Christmas is quickly approaching. It's difficult to believe that Christmas is this saturday! I didn't know until last week that I get this Friday off so that was a pretty nice surprise :) Work this week is pretty chill too as a lot of people have taken the time off to spend with their kids. Usually Christmas is quite stressful because I need to worry about getting gifts for so many people. I use to think it was fun (even with all the stress) but now I realize it's just pointless stress and it's better if everyone just saves their money and time. For most of the people I have declared no gifts.. I hope they stick by it...! including JJ. I realized that I have way more stuff than I need, in fact I've been trying to sell anything that I can on eBay to get rid of stuff!

The thing that really bothers me tho is the whole people trying to be liberal and not using the word Christmas anymore. In all the company emails sent out, the word Christmas was not used a single time. They even referred to the pine tree decorated with presents underneath as the "holiday tree". seriously? Why even bother putting one there? but.. not that the Christmas tree has anything to do with the real meaning of Christmas anyways. I wonder if in 10 years, December 25th, will be re-named to "December Holiday".

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My first post

Today I suddenly got the urge to start blogging again. I use to blog a lot back in xanga days and it was actually quite fun to look back at previous posts and see the different things I was up to throughout the years. As the xanga phase passed I haven't really kept anything up. Let's see how long this one lasts for! :) I have more incentive to blog now too since most of my friends and family do not live in the same country as me so they can see what I am up to.. and make sure I am ok :) Please feel free to click on any of the ads as you see fit ^_^

Today was a typical Wednesday. I have been sleeping late all week so it was especially dreadful getting up this morning. I almost wanted to fall down while brushing my teeth. Yesterday was Linda's birthday so we went to celebrate at Roy's. I've been meaning to try Roy's since I moved here as she's been saying good things about it for 3 years?! haha. We saw it in Oahu and actually even made a reservation but in the end canceled it to eat at a Japanese ramen restaurant instead :D Any how my first experience was good and especially since I was with good company. I still remember the first birthday that I celebrated with Linda in the K-town in NYC at the Korean bbq restaurant.... wearing the black dress from Guess!! :D

linda excited to eat with us? :)
I think we are starting to look alike...!

After work today, I dropped off my snowboard with Lin to bring to Carter's to get it waxed. :D Then I met up with Pam to eat yummmmy xiao long bow for dinner, met up with Carmen because she made me soup (so nice!! :D) and now I am home watching some movie called "Outsourced" and JJ made us smoothies (first time using our new blender!). The mediocre day has ended quite pleasantly after all :)