Monday, December 20, 2010

It's that time of the year again..

This year has flown by and Christmas is quickly approaching. It's difficult to believe that Christmas is this saturday! I didn't know until last week that I get this Friday off so that was a pretty nice surprise :) Work this week is pretty chill too as a lot of people have taken the time off to spend with their kids. Usually Christmas is quite stressful because I need to worry about getting gifts for so many people. I use to think it was fun (even with all the stress) but now I realize it's just pointless stress and it's better if everyone just saves their money and time. For most of the people I have declared no gifts.. I hope they stick by it...! including JJ. I realized that I have way more stuff than I need, in fact I've been trying to sell anything that I can on eBay to get rid of stuff!

The thing that really bothers me tho is the whole people trying to be liberal and not using the word Christmas anymore. In all the company emails sent out, the word Christmas was not used a single time. They even referred to the pine tree decorated with presents underneath as the "holiday tree". seriously? Why even bother putting one there? but.. not that the Christmas tree has anything to do with the real meaning of Christmas anyways. I wonder if in 10 years, December 25th, will be re-named to "December Holiday".

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